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The Insides® Company is a leading provider of chyme reinfusion solutions for intestinal failure

distal feeding
alternative to parenteral nutrition
oral nutrition
intestinal failure
colon cancer
bowel cancer
gut cancer
ostomy appliance
high output
lower interior resection syndrome
gut health
reversal surgery
Succus Entericus
intestinal juice

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The Insides Company's flagship product, The Insides® System, is a medical device that enables chyme to be reinfused into the intestine for enterostomy and enterocutaneous fistula patients.

Caution:Investigational device. Limited by United States law to investigational use.

MDEA Gold Award Winner

The Insides System has won GOLD at the 2021 MDEAs in the Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Devices category

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Supplying the world’s leading intestinal failure and rehabilitation centres

The Insides Company is founded by world-leading pioneers in gut surgery, and is commercialised by med-tech veterans. The Insides System is now being used in may of the world's leading international intestinal failure centres.

Please contact us today to learn about how The Insides System can impact your Intestinal Failure patient's journey to recovery.

Ian Bissett discussing The Insides System and fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery

Professor Ian Bissett
Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer

“Encourage the formation of double stomas and the consideration of the use of the distal opening for re-infusion of chyme in the setting of an entero-atmospheric fistula.”

Emma Ludlow

Emma Ludlow
Clinical Nurse Specialist Ostomy

"The Insides® System allows me to support, and optimise my patient’s journey to recovery."

For the effective chyme reinfusion treatment of enterocutaneous fistulas and high-output enterostomies

Under the standard care pathway, patients recovering from colorectal surgery often have an enterostomy created to divert intestinal contents (chyme) away from the surgical site as it heals.

The enterostomy is typically left open for 6-12 months, and during this time, the chyme that is collected is disposed which can result in intestinal failure

The Insides System, is a chyme reinfusion solution, which enables diverting enterostomy, and enterocutaneous patients to reinfuse chyme back into their intestine, allowing them to recommence oral feeding and reduce length of stay in hospital.

Key Clinical Benefits of Chyme Reinfusion

Earlier return to oral feeding1

Patients able to recommence oral feeding

Improved nutritional outcome2

Increase in nutritional risk index by 10.9 (± 9.5) with a 85% reduction in intestinal losses

Improved restoration of gut function3

Limiting gut atrophy and inflammation

Improved renal function4-5

Prevents dehydration and reduces the potential for chronic kidney disease

Improved liver function5-6

53% reduction in plasma liver test abnormalities

Wean off Parenteral Nutrition6

>91% of patients weaned off parenteral nutrition within a median of 2 days (± 9)

1. Sharma P, Davidson R, Davidson J, Keane C, Liu C, Ritchie SR, et al. Novel chyme reinfusion device for gastrointestinal fistulas and stomas: feasibility study. Br J Surg [Internet]. 2020 Apr 18; Available from:
2. Picot D, Layec S, Dussaulx L, Trivin F, Thibault R. Chyme reinfusion in patients with intestinal failure due to temporary double enterostomy: A 15-year prospective cohort in a referral centre. Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2017 Apr;36(2):593–600. Available from:
3. Pflug AM, Utiyama EM, Fontes B, Faro M, Rasslan S. Continuous reinfusion of succus entericus associated with fistuloclysis in the management of a complex jejunal fistula on the abdominal wall. Int J Surg Case Rep [Internet]. 2013;4(8):716–8. Available from:
4. Fielding A, Woods R, Moosvi SR, Wharton RQ, Speakman CTM, Kapur S, et al. Renal impairment after ileostomy formation: a frequent event with long‐term consequences. Color Dis [Internet]. 2019 Oct 17;codi.14866. Available from:
5. Dilke, S. M., Gould, L., Yao, M., Souvatzi, M., Stearns, A., Ignjatovic-Wilson, A., Tozer, P., & Vaizey, C. J. (2021). Distal feeding–bowel stimulation to treat short-term or long-term pathology: a systematic review. Frontline Gastroenterology, 12(7), 677–682.
6. Layec S, Seynhaeve E, Trivin F, Carsin-Mahé M, Dussaulx L, Picot D. Management of entero-atmospheric fistulas by chyme reinfusion: A retrospective study. Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2020 Apr; Available from: