What Is a Stoma/Enterostomy?
This blog will briefly detail what a stoma is, their purpose, and the common types of stomas and how they are brought up to the abdomen...
4 minute read
What is an Enterocutaneous Fistula and Enteroatmospheric Fistula?
An enterocutaneous fistula (ECF) or an enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) is a catastrophic complication requiring intense care and optimized nutrition to help...
3 minute read

What is Chyme?
Chyme (“/kʌɪm/”) is the medical term used to describe the pulpy and semi-fluid composition of partly undigested food, fluid, stomach acid/gastric juices...
2 minute read

What is Chyme Reinfusion?
Reinfuse Chyme to Accelerate the Patient Journey to Recovery. Chyme Reinfusion (CR) is a practice in the management of patients with High-Output...
2 minute read

Nutrient Absorption in the Gastro-Intestinal System
This image should be read in conjunction with the blog “What is Chyme?” and “What is Chyme Reinfusion?” to aid in understanding.
2 minute read

The Process of Transitioning to Oral Feeding
This blog will discuss the process for transitioning from parenteral nutrition to oral feeding when starting chyme reinfusion....
3 minute read

Nutrition in Intestinal Failure
Intestinal failure is defined by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) as the reduction of gut function below the minimum ...
3 minute read

What is Parenteral Nutrition?
This blog will discuss what parenteral nutrition is, when it is used in the context of intestinal failure, and the risks associated with this therapy.
3 minute read

What is edentulism? What are the long term impacts in the context of intestinal health? What does it mean for a patient using The Insides® System?
2 minute read

Patient Quality of Life with Intestinal Failure
Learn how automated chyme reinfusion positively impacts a patient's quality of life.
2 minute read

Dietitian’s Perspective on Intestinal Failure
In the context of intestinal failure caused by short bowel syndrome or a proximal enteroatmospheric fistula a Dietitian is ideally placed to help patients...
3 minute read

What are Nasogastric and Orogastric Tubes used for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?
Babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) often require a gastric tube during their hospital stay. This can be either an orogastric (OG) tube ...
4 minute read

What is Necrotising Enterocolitis?
Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC) is a catastrophic gastrointestinal illness that is seen predominantly in babies born prematurely, especially those born at .....
5 minute read

Gut Microbiome
This blog will focus on what the gut microbiome is, how it functions, and future research opportunities...
3 minute read

Diversion Colitis
This blog discusses what diversion colitis is, its prevalence, why it happens, and treatment options...
3 minute read