Patient Experience
Denise Piguet
Medical History

• Bowel obstruction

• Double Barrel Jejunostomy

• Life long user of The Insides System

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At the end of November 2019, I was operated on for a bowel obstruction at the hospital in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland by Dr. A. Paroz, a specialist in abdominal surgery. During this operation, the surgeon removed 50 cm of intestine and installed a two-port ileostomy. I went home after 6 weeks in hospital.

For the first two months after my return, I received 1,000 ml of NaCl/24 hours to compensate for the fluid loss through the pouch. Then, as I had lost 12kg and was unable to regain weight, I was prescribed 1,000ml of parenteral nutrition per 24 hours. This meant that I was tied to my food bag from 6pm until 8am the next morning, which deprived me of any social activity. In addition, I had very little appetite and no energy.

I was hospitalised again at the beginning of July 2020 because of dehydration due to the very high flow rate of the bag (3 litres and more / 24 hours). It was at this point that Aude-Aline Gallandat, a stomatologist nurse who had been following me since my operation, suggested the chyme re-instillation system in which she was interested. Doctor Paroz, also interested in the improvements that this new system promised, having given his agreement, I immediately accepted. I was aware that, if everything worked as described, my quality of life would be greatly improved.

The system was set up in mid-August. It took a few days for everything to work properly as no one knew about the new system. I had to learn how to reinstill correctly myself, which was completely new to me. I was able to go home after 7 weeks in hospital, 12 days after the system was put in place.

The return home went well. Aude-Aline Gallandat trained about ten nurses in ostomy care and the reinstillation system. Since then, I have received basic stoma care every morning. The catheter is changed once a month by the stoma therapist.

Personally, it took me about two weeks to gain confidence and become fully familiar with the new system, but I managed to do it and I take care of everything myself during the day and night, apart from a few rare accidents. This requires availability, attention and a certain dexterity. I now know how to monitor the quality of the chyme:it is important to liquefy a thick chyme a little so that it passes easily through the pump. And if the chyme contains lumps, I evacuate them so that they don’t block the pump. I reinstill 6 to 8 times during the day and 3 to 4 times during the night for a total reinstilled of about 2 1/2 litres per 24 hours.

My quality of life since I started using the chyme reinstillation system has improved significantly. I am no longer at risk of dehydration, my blood values, checked twice a month, are good, I have regained 7 of the 12 kilos I had lost. No liver or kidney complications have arisen. As I don’t smoke, no problem on that side either! I have regained my energy and my appetite. I am enjoying my daily walks again, which help to keep me fit. I have been vaccinated and I am enjoying having my children and grandchildren at home again - in small groups - and cooking a good meal for them.

I am extremely grateful to have been put on this system which has enabled me to return to a life close to normal. A warm THANK YOU and congratulations to the brilliant inventors.

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