The Insides Conference - The Insides Neo - fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery
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ASCN UK Annual Conference 2021

The Association of Stoma Care Nurses (ASCN) UK will have their Annual Conference on 5th October 2021 from 0800 to 1750 (GMT).

The Insides® Co. is pleased to draw your attention to the presentation by Emma Ludlow, CNS in Stomal Therapy, on "A Stomal Therapist’s Experience of a Novel Chyme Reinfusion Device for High-Output Enterostomies" which will run from 16:00 – 16:10 (GMT).

Introducing The Insides® System

The Insides® System is an innovative automated chyme reinfusion system for intestinal failure and rehabilitation (Made in NZ / Winner of Gold Award at the 2021 International Medical Design Excellence Awards / Winner of the 2021 MTANZ Innovation Award).

The Insides® System is commercially available in the United Kingdom, Europe and New Zealand.

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