The Insides Conference - The Insides Neo - fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery
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ACPGBI Annual Meeting Edinburgh 2022: a face-to-face event

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland is excited to present the following topics/sessions including:

  • Artificial intelligence and the colorectal surgeon
  • Intraoperative challenges and disasters
  • Management of advanced and recurrent rectal cancer
  • Hunterian Lecture
  • Colorectal focus – updates on six core topics
  • International guest lectures

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